Monday, July 30, 2007

The UK's been moved!

Our intrepid correspondent has this amazing breaking news...

"In a bold move to counter recent bad weather hitting the UK, the Government there has decided to move the country to the Caribbean.

Officials wouldn't say if the move was permanent, but did say it was pretty hard to fit the entire population of the UK into islands only 616 sq. Km..

An official was quoted as saying that climate change had forced the move on them, and that they would be rotating the location of the UK through various UK territories world-wide. He also said that rising sea-levels in the Caribbean might eventually force a move to somewhere higher like Nepal."

Friday, July 27, 2007

It's The Price You Pay...

From now on, when an ex-pat bleats on about not being able to get some little thing in Dominica, I'm invoking the ITPYPFLIP clause.

"It's The Price You Pay For Living In Paradise".

That's the whole point about Dominica. No big shopping malls. No 24-7 stores. If you come to D/a with a consuming mindset you're doomed. In fact one of the challenges of living here is working round things. alternatives. making do with something else. Or doing without, even.

Even having a power cut is a chance to pause, take a breather, chill. God know how these ex-pats will manage when then next tropical storm passes over.

Dominica is not the place for instant gratification. Unless it's stunning natural beauty you're after.

Listening to: UB40 - One In Ten
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why The Simpsons flopped in the Middle East

“So there were other problems,” says Hosny. “This guy Homer drinks beer all the time, but this is a sin to the Arabs. So I told them that he will drink she’er — which is a [non-alcoholic] malt drink, and close to beer in sound, so good for dubbing. But they refused this. They said we must make it ‘juice.’” And so on. Through a steady process of cross-cultural attrition — no bacon sandwiches, no Moe’s Tavern, church becomes masjid (mosque) — The Simpsons was whittled down to a shadow of itself. As for Smithers’s feelings for Mr. Burns? “I naturally tried to underemphasize that,” says Hosny."...

..."Four days after the end of Ramadan 2005, 34 episodes into its 52-episode run, Al Shamshoon was pulled from MBC 1. It is a lesson in cross-cultural adaptation, and a warning of how delicate a powerful piece of television art like The Simpsons actually is. But regardless of how specifically North American it may be, The Simpsons does have fans (like the blogger Noor) in cultures often very different from our own. Those Muslim fans may not drink beer (although many do), but they don’t begrudge Homer his six-pack of Duff. As the man himself would put it: “Mmmm. Sacrilicious.”"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Anybody got a spare Pangolin?

In Dominica you have to be constantly on the lookout for termites. They'll sneak in overnight, and if you don't notice their 'runs' you'll soon be in trouble. I've even seen them eat an entire mattress, apart from the springs.

So I'm thinking of getting a Pangolin, or indeed any anteater will do, Scaly, spiny or otherwise.

I could even rent it out. 'Aardvarks r Us' (which would be the first entry in the phonebook for sure). 1-800-Pangolin... 'An eco-friendly solution to infestation'.

Well, it beats using Baygon or Bop!

More on the anteater species...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

PirateMaster cancelled

Well it was crap, but it was also fun to see Dominica, some of it very familiar, some refreshingly not. But CBS have cancelled. Sorry, 'made the last episodes available exclusively online'.

So can I reveal who won now?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Two Cannibals

My Dad told me a joke yesterday:

Two cannibals meet up in town.
"Hey, how are things? Not seen you for a while. You're looking well."
"Thanks! I've been away on holiday."
"Yeah?" Noticing the other cannibal's arm is missing, "But what happened to your arm?"
"It was self-catering."

(It's the way he tells them).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sea level to rise

"Sea levels may rise by 9 inches this century, scientists warn"

So even though Scott's Head - Soufriere get a new sea wall, you'll not be able to get there because Pointe Michele will be under water!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Weather... or not

It's not even a low or depression, but the big weather system just gone over dumped a lot of rain and left mist and clouds this evening like you'd get in Manchester.

When checking weather, I generally start with the Intellicast Atlantic Analysis for an overview. Then I'll zoom in to one of the NOAA satellites - their Storm Floaters are awesome, since they follow a active storm.

And for long-range, potential-development areas I like - they're a lot better than their name suggests!

I would mention the regional (based in Martinique/Guadeloupe) Doppler but it's not been working for weeks. Bloody French for you.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bees study

Honey bees are disappearing here too, so I was interested to read the following:

"Jul 13: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics Gale Buchanan announced that USDA researchers have finalized an action plan for dealing with colony collapse disorder (CCD) of honey bees. The CCD is characterized by the sudden and mysterious die-off of honey bee colonies [See WIMS 4/4/07]. Buchanan said, "There were enough honey bees to provide pollination for U.S. agriculture this year, but beekeepers could face a serious problem next year and beyond. This action plan provides a coordinated framework to ensure that all of the research that needs to be done is covered in order to get to the bottom of the CCD problem."

Read more: or the official release here:

Divefest sunset

Divefest sunset
Originally uploaded by Pirate 605
End of another Divefest with the Carib Canoe race. It sums up Dominica perfectly - seemingly chaotic, runs very late, lots of loud music & BBQ chicken, beautiful setting,

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Did you know...?

Dominica's top 3 tourist attractions (in terms of Site Passes sold to visitors) are:

Trafalgar Falls (63,000 visitors yearly), Emerald Pool (54k). Indian River (14k)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pirate Master at Scott's Head

This week's episode of Pirate Master was set at Scott's Head, and it was amazing how every view of the Head didn't show the cell tower!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Chillin' out

Chillin' out
Originally uploaded by Pirate 605
Who's leading the way in the chillin' stakes? The cat or the Cousin?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Sunday cycle

I go cycling up through the village most days, but the Sunday morning ride is special. It's like quickly running through the dial on a radio, you get a little taste of what's going on.

The cacophony of the Christian church, the sombre worship at the Catholic church...the well dressed children running late to either of the churches.. A snatch of Country & Western music from someone's home... The Clash playing at another house (that'd be mine). And the highlight: a delicious smell of someone frying plaintains for breakfast...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Done the Boiling Lake?

For those champions who have done the Boiling Lake hike, we've had a guestbook and simple photo gallery for several years. I've just dumped the old gallery in favour of a Flickr group (what took me so long I hear you ask!).

So if you've got a photo of your trip to the Lake, add it!