Sunday, May 25, 2008

Banana fights

There's been lots in the news recently about the ongoing spat between various banana organisations here. It seems that the long-standing official body the D/a Banana Producers (DPBL) and the Fair Trade farmers organisation have been at loggerheads for ages.

Thing is, Fair Trade would seem to be the way to go, more even than organic. (In fact, this article debunks the myth that organic is good for you, and for the environment.) UK Fair Trade bananas have gone from sales of £7.8 million in 2000 to £150 million in 2007; we have to embrace it and stop the infighting.

And as a footnote, this article highlights another 'banana war' going on - between UK supermarkets.

See also


Anonymous said...

I suspect you meant to type "Fair" Trade rather than "Free" Trade Association.

Also please see the rebuttal to Ron Jonstone's argument re. organic farming;

Unknown said...

LOL yeah, thanks for the correction Dave!

Anonymous said...

Steve, I googled "caribbean organic farming blogs" and got this page. knowing you to be an astutely aware type. I was surprised you put forth this article full of unsubstansiated claims. Good thing Dave posted the rebuttal to this. please highlite his link so it can be easily obtained with just a click from yr site. thanks, let's talk about Organic in Dominica, we still have the chance to save our Nature Island.

Anonymous said...

Steve, it is devastating to read this - the content and the source and the forum. Extremely disappointing and surprising.