Recently I discovered to my horror that tons of spam had been sent 'from' my address. I knew this because my in-box had 1,500 bounced back messages. The trouble with this kind of spam is that it's impossible to report since bounce backs don't have the headers of the original spam. I did trace the hosting company of the link seen in the SPAM e-mail, and that after I sent off an irate e-mail to the China-based hosting complaint the spam did slow down. More to do with the 'natural' cycle of spam than my e-mail I think.
Normally any spam I get I report: I view the message source, copy, and paste into my account. I knew there must be a plug-in to automate this, and there was. I started with the Habu add-on, but have since gone with the plug-in from secondwheel.
In fact, the easiest way to report spam to Spamcop is simply to forward the mail to the unique e-mail you get when you sign up!
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