TripAdvisor reviews are the life-blood of any hotel, but if your website is run on WordPress, you'll be hard pushed to add their widgets to your site (WordPress doesn't like the <script> side of the widget).
For a while, the workaround was to use the TripAdvisor RSS feed for your property, until TA stopped even that a few days ago.
The solution is fiendishly devious: pull the code from a simple html page on your server using an IFRAME in your post or page. Specifically:
1. Get your review widget code, and save to a file called say ta_review.htm
2. FTP the ta_review.htm page to your web server.
3. Insert an IFRAME in your post/page (don't forget to switch to HTML view). Something like this:
<iframe src="" height="600" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>
4. And Robert is truly your mother's brother.