Thursday, June 12, 2008

A define 'No' to commercial whaling

A couple of days I blogged that Dominica will be abstaining at the forthcoming IWC vote - a major shift in position after years of supporting Japan. A quote from Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, is even more emphatic:

“In common with most of our Caribbean neighbors, Dominica remains strongly in favor of the sustainable use of marine resources,” said Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica. “Our stringent environmental practices and philosophies have earned us the label, ‘The Nature Island’ and, upon careful review and deliberation of the issue, it has been determined that voting for an overturn of the existing worldwide ban on commercial whaling would be inconsistent with the standards and principles of sustainability that we so fervently advocate.”

Listening to: XTC - Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her, Kiss Her
via FoxyTunes

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