sunset 30-11
Originally uploaded by Steve_Mc
And as I read his article about a place he's never visited, having seen this gorgeous sunset, having been surrounded by rainforest-clad mountains, having come through my small but friendly community I thought: 'yes, perhaps you ought to stay away, there's clearly nothing here for you!'
Mr. Davis,
The USA has 5000 times the population of Dominica. That considered, its ranking is relatively better than that of the USA.
We’re retiring to Dominica. It is beautiful and its people are wonderful. Evidently you prefer blacktop to rainforest. But if you wish to open your mind, surf to our Web site and click on “Our Travels” and then on “Dominica” and check out the slide shows.
Yup, stay away I say. Buddy's clearly a dick. Any further news Steve? I take it the island didn't sustain any real damage.
Cheers...Blair in Canada (see you soon).
I read this guy's post and it's just full of ignorance. He obviously got some random info from the net about Dominica and took the negative parts. While we are in need of an international airport and major highways, this would hardly affect the success of an event such as this. Besides on major highways means on major accidents...Compare that to the number of accidents per day in the U.S. The fact that Colombus would recognize us shows that we are on of the most preserved environments in the world...Thats why we still have fresh water aviailble from our rivers and they dont. Could someone tell me how resistance to ageing is a disadvantage? I could go on and on but I'll just end by saying that Dominica is one of the best places in the world that one could find themselves in...And i wish the Dominican team success
I'm from Barbados, and my trip to Dominica last year was the best time I've ever had anywhere. I came back home raving about the place, I loved it so so so much. I was looking at some photos from the holiday a couple days ago, and I couldn't believe I'd forgotten how beautiful the island is.
I think that Barbados does have better infrastructure which would probably better support an international sports event. But the tone of Ms. Davis' article was just uncalled for and clearly demonstrated his ignorance about Dominica (and probably Barbados). Seems to me the article is based on some lazy internet research and an unpleasant attitude.
I have yet to have met someone who has visited Dominica and had such a negative experience that returning was out of the question. Most people i inform about Dominica always ask - 'so what are you doing here?" and as always i just smile and say" making some money to go back home".
Its funny how few people know about Dominica and the few that do know - always say amazing things about my home.
To the ignorant ones- let's just say - keep your thoughts as they are - they just show how unevolved you are and how programed you are to the bigger and better lifesyle. However, at the end of the day, the worse day in Dominica is better than the best day whereever you are.
Sorry that unlike me, when you're down, you can't think of home and know that all will be well....... sorry you can't think of life outside the man made world you live... but alas, if something were to happen that would mean we all have to go back to nature ....Praise God for Dominica - cause this is where i'll be survivor stlye and SURVIVING
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