Tuesday, July 29, 2008

'Don't panic, it's a Pandemic!'

Seen in a Roseau (Chinese) store - the Pandemic Water Heater.

Comes with Legionnaires Disease pre-installed?

Photo to follow ;)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

DiveFest canoe race

DiveFest canoe race day.
Originally uploaded by Steve_Mc
Another fun DiveFest Carib Canoe Race.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Evening Market

I always thought going to the Roseau market was about getting up at an ungodly hour, on a day (Saturday) that one should be getting up at a definitely godly hour.

But recently I've discovered that, on Friday at least, the Roseau Market never sleeps. If you go around 8pm or later you'll find people have already set up their stalls, breadfruit are a-roasting, vegetable are fresh, and that staple of any visit to the market (whatever the time), the jelly coconut, is readily available.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here's some weather!


This actually turned into Tropical Storm Dolly on the 20th July!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dominica gets greener!

Last week's Budget had great news for those interested in alternative energy:

"Consistent with Government’s commitment to encouraging the use of alternative forms of energy, with immediate effect all duties on equipment to be used in the self-generation of energy from renewable sources will be removed."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sepp Blatter is a w**ker

The more I think about Sepp Blatter's comments that Ronaldo is an example of 'modern slavery', the angrier I get. Since when does a slave earn 100,000 quid a week? And have his own agent?

Lets not forget the extensive allegations of corruption against Mr. Blatter. The only thing medaeval about the whole affair is Mr Blatter himself. Tell him directly via the FIFA website.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Gearing up for Dive Fest

This Friday sees the launch of the 2008 DiveFest. You can find out more here or check the official DiveFest blog here. The big question is: will I be in a Canoe Race team? Tis too soon to say!